Boost your wellbeing

Read our advice and tips on enhancing your physical and mental wellbeing, include how you can build your social networks.

Physical wellbeing

Regular exercise and activity boosts your health and wellbeing in many ways. It can:

  • Boost your energy levels, so you can get more done â€“ great for studying and student life
  • Help relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger and promote a positive attitude
  • Create a healthier you, reducing risk to other long-term illnesses.

There are many ways you can start building more activity into your day, find out more about the physical activities available at Surrey and how you can get involved.

Mental wellbeing

Looking after your mental wellbeing is an essential part of living healthily. Part of this includes developing positive emotions and ensuring you have the motivation to succeed in all aspects of university life.

Connect with others

To make the most of your student life experience, connecting with the people around you and maintaining good relationships can contribute to a greater sense of belonging.