Study and work abroad
Gain unique experience abroad to develop your skills, expand your networks and increase your global job prospects. Financial support is available through various grants and bursaries, as well as Student Finance support.
Benefits of studying and working abroad
- Experience new cultures
- Learn new languages
- Improve interpersonal and communication skills
- Enhance your employability
- Expand your learning
- Network on an international level
- Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Study and work abroad feedback survey*
- 90% feel more confident to network with international peers
- 82% feel more committed to their studies
- 84% feel more confident in their ability to achieve a good degree
- 94% feel this experience has enhanced their intercultural awareness
- 92% feel this has been a valuable opportunity to learn from international academics/experts
- 93% feel more confident in articulating their experiences abroad and skills gained from this.
*Results from 351 responses from Surrey students for 2023/2024
Opportunities abroad
Students from all subject areas at all levels can participate in an international experience, including:
Study exchange or work placement abroad
- Study abroad on exchange at a partner university during your second year or Professional Training Year as an undergraduate (depending on your degree programme) or as part of a 15-month Masters programme with study abroad
- Work abroad during your Professional Training Year, vacation periods or, for 2-year Masters programmes, during your professional training placement.
Summer opportunities
- Summer programmes at partner universities
- Summer internships or volunteering abroad.
Find out more about our summer opportunities.
Other opportunities
- Short-term placements abroad for Vet Sciences and Health Sciences students
- MPhys Research Placements
- Postgraduate Taught Professional Training Placement
- Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) research / work placements abroad
- Recent graduate internships.
There is funding available to contribute towards the costs of these opportunities, including Turing grants and other scholarships.
Register your interest to receive information about events, opportunities abroad and application reminders by email.
Student experiences
The International Engagement Office host various events throughout the year when we welcome students to find out more about all the international opportunities we offer!
Our annual Study and Work Abroad Fair is your opportunity to find out more about the opportunities on offer and chat to students who have been on exchange. The fair is normally held in November.
Following the fair, the Application and Finance talks are held in December to provide more about the application process, available funding and required documentation.
Explore more on Instagram
Follow us on Instagram, @SurreyAbroad, to see student experiences around the world!