Parking for carers

You may be eligible to apply for a parking permit if you are a carer.


A carer is a person that provides unpaid care to a friend, relative or neighbour who needs support because of a mental or physical illness, frailty or disability. Carers can help with personal things like getting someone dressed or taking them to the toilet, as well as domestic tasks such as shopping and cooking.

Carers are people who:

  • Look after someone who is dependent on them for regular and substantial help with daily living needs
  • Feel a responsibility for the person in need of care
  • Have their own life restricted in some way because of their caring role
  • Have their own needs and aspirations outside of the caring situation
  • May already be an adult social care service user but who can also be a carer if they contribute to the care of another person.

As a carer you do not have to be living with the person you care for; carers can be family, friends or neighbours.

The University is committed to ensuring that staff and students who are carers are treated fairly and are able to work, study and contribute their individual talents to their maximum potential. If you are a carer outside of your University life, the University’s Domestic Leave and Flexible Working Policies may help you to meet your caring responsibilities. 

Applying for a permit

If you live within the University’s parking exclusion zone but have an absolute requirement (that cannot be carried out by anyone else) to use your car to meet regular (at least three times a week) caring responsibilities immediately, before or after your time spent at University or during the day, you can apply for parking on caring grounds.

If you live within the University’s parking exclusion zone

If you live within the University’s parking exclusion zone but have an absolute requirement (that cannot be carried out by anyone else) to use your car to meet regular (at least three times a week) caring responsibilities immediately, before or after your time spent at University or during the day, you can apply for parking on caring grounds.

Make an application

Email the Transport team to explain your caring responsibilities. Please include:

  • The name of the person you care for
  • Your relationship to them
  • Details of the responsibilities you carry out including how often you attend, what days and at what time of day.

You should be able to show that your responsibilities cannot be met by using public transport.

You will need to provide proof that you are registered as a carer with your term-time GP, or confirmation from your term-time GP that you undertake regular unpaid caring responsibilities. Once your application has been received you will be emailed a CARE 1 form (PDF) which should be completed by yourself and your term-time GP / medical practitioner or the Centre for Wellbeing. If the GP of the person you are caring for is aware of your regular caring role they can also complete the CARE1 form. The CARE1 form must be returned to the Transport team under confidential cover.

The Transport team will review each application and may seek advice from the University’s Equality and Diversity team in confidence. If your application falls outside the narrow criteria that the Transport team can accept, your application may be assessed by the Student Parking Permit Appeals Panel. The Panel will make an independent decision as to whether a parking permission should be granted.

Fees for permits

Permit prices are standard with no additional discount for a carer status.

If you live outside the University’s parking exclusion zone

If you are a carer and live outside the University parking exclusion zone, you are eligible for to apply for a permit through the online permit application system, if travelling by car is your most appropriate means of travel. You do not need to apply on caring grounds. 

Other support

If you want more information about the support the University can provide, please contact the Centre for Wellbeing.