
Starting a doctoral degree can be a different experience from your previous study. Consequently, we have put in place a structured induction programme to help smooth the transition into doctoral level research and prepare you well for the journey ahead. Scroll down for FAQs about all things welcome related.
Approximately four weeks before your start date you will be sent information about registration and the welcome events taking place in May in your faculty and hosted by the Doctoral College. Please check below and save the date.
Faculty and departmental welcome events May 2025
This is an opportunity to hear directly from the associate deans, heads of department, postgraduate research directors, and PGR reps about your specific area of specialism. There will be information about library services, health and safety, and opportunities to ask questions.
Students' Union events
Please check here for updates on PGR events running towards the end of May 2025.
Frequently asked questions
These are some of the most common questions you might want the answer to, but if you have a specific issue at the start of your doctorate you can email researchdegrees@surrey.ac.uk for advice.