Your timetable
Your timetable tells you the time, day and week of each of your lectures, tutorials and seminars. It will also show you the module code, the location of the class and the name of the relevant lecturer.
Access your timetable
For new students, timetables will be made available during Welcome Week. For continuing students, we will endeavour to provide your timetable within four weeks in advance of your return date.
Did you know that you can download your timetable and access it from any device, including your phone or tablet?
Updates will automatically sync meaning you will always have up-to-date information at your fingertips, including your exam timetable.
Find out how to download your timetable by following the simple tutorials:
- Download to your smartphone
- Download to your Outlook calendar
- Access My Dashboard
- Access using your web browser.
Note: We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer when first setting up your calendar.
Understanding your timetable
Your timetable gives you all the information you need about where and when your teaching will occur. All buildings can be found on Google Maps.
Rooms on the timetable are described as follows:
- Locations are identified by a combination of numbers and letters: the first numbers identify the room, the letters identify the building, and the last numbers identify the building level. For example, 13AA04 would be Room 13, Building AA on Level 4
- Rooms labelled LT are in the Lecture Theatre Block – LTG would therefore be Lecture Theatre G
- Rooms labelled TB are in the Teaching Block – TB02 would therefore be in Teaching Block Room 2.
Scheduling of teaching
The teaching day for the majority of courses run from 9am - 6pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9am - 12 midday on Wednesday.
Teaching events may also by agreement of the relevant Executive Dean of Faculty, be scheduled to take place between 6pm and 9pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Where possible, lectures and tutorials are grouped, however due to constraints this is not always possible. If there is an obvious improvement that could be made to your timetable, and a room and the lecturer is available, do inform your course representative in order to see what can be done.
Changes to timetabled sessions
On rare occasions a staff member may not be able to attend a scheduled session due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort will be made to inform you in advance by email, text message, SurreyLearn announcements and a notice on the teaching room door. You will be informed about rescheduled sessions in due course.
If you have not been notified of an absence, and a member of staff has not arrived 10 minutes after the scheduled start time of a timetabled class, you should contact the MySurrey Hive team on 01483 983952.
Problems accessing your timetable
If you have any problems accessing your timetable, please try the following fixes:
- Use a computer or laptop instead of a mobile device
- Use Google Chrome
- Try clearing your browser history. In Chrome, at the top right of your screen you’ll see three vertical dots. Click this, then select 'more tools'. Select 'clear browsing data'
- Manually type the website address (instead of clicking on a link or a saved bookmark):
- Check your password doesn’t contain a £ or non-standard characters.
If it’s the start of the new academic year and you’re a new starter, you may need to wait up to 48 hours after your account is set up, and you have module registrations, before trying to access your timetable. In the meantime you can access a PDF via your SurreyLearn page.
If you’re still unable to access your timetable after trying the above steps, please contact the MySurrey Hive using Surrey Support via MySurrey Help.