
Starting a doctoral degree can be a different experience from your previous study. Consequently, we have put in place a structured induction programme to help smooth the transition into doctoral level research and prepare you well for the journey ahead. Scroll down for FAQs about all things welcome related.


Approximately four weeks before your start date you will be sent information about registration and the welcome events taking place in May in your faculty and hosted by the Doctoral College. Please check below and save the date.

Faculty and departmental welcome events May 2025

This is an opportunity to hear directly from the associate deans, heads of department, postgraduate research directors, and PGR reps about your specific area of specialism. There will be information about library services, health and safety, and opportunities to ask questions.

Doctoral College PGR induction
  • Date: Wednesday 7 May 2025, 2pm
  • Online event: hosted on Teams. Meeting link will be emailed to you.


  • 2pm-3pm: Presentation – details to follow.
Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences (FABSS) PGR induction
  • Date: Wednesday 07 May 2025, 10am until 11:30am
  • Location: Online via TEAMS, link to be provided by email.

There will be an introduction from Dr Andrew King, Associate Dean (Doctoral College) and Karen Collins/Lisa Sketchley from the Research Degrees Programme Management Team and this will be dedicated to administrative information and what the PGR needs to know to achieve their PhD.

This will be followed by introductions from Alekya Guggilam, FABSS Health and Safety Officer, Carley Stirups, FABSS Faculty Engagement Librarian and Rana Marrington from the Doctoral College Careers and Employability Team. 

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS) PGR induction
  • Date: TBC
  • Location: TBC


Details to follow.

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) PGR induction
  • Date: Thursday 8 May 2025, 10am until 11:30am 
  • Location: Online via TEAMS, link to be provided by email


10am – 11am: Presentation by Dr Kathrin Cohen Kadosh, Faculty Associate Dean, Doctoral College.

A welcome talk providing information on administrative arrangements within the Faculty and what you need to know to achieve your PhD. 

You will also meet: 

  • Faculty Postgraduate Research Directors (PGRDs)
  • Faculty PGR Representatives
  • Emma Proctor and Renata Richardson, Research Degrees Team

11am – 11:30am: Introduction to Library Resources - Information Retrieval by Erin Bloxsidge, Faculty Librarian.

Students' Union events

Please check here for updates on PGR events running towards the end of May 2025.

Frequently asked questions

These are some of the most common questions you might want the answer to, but if you have a specific issue at the start of your doctorate you can email researchdegrees@surrey.ac.uk for advice.

When do I need to register?

Once you have completed the admissions process for the PhD programme you will receive an automated email entitled "Welcome to the University of Surrey!". Follow the instructions in the email for pre-registration and for setting up your IT account and email address.
When you arrive on campus, please being your 'Confirmation of pre-registration' along to My Surrey Hive to complete the registration process. You can register in the MySurrey Hive between Tuesday 1 April until Thursday 8 May 2025 (10am - 4pm, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays). If you are a funded student, it is particularly important that you complete your registration as soon as possible. 

For further information about registration and what documents to bring with you please read the Welcome FAQs below.

I am a Practitioner Doctorate in Sustainability (PDS) student do I need to attend the faculty or doctoral college welcome event?

No. PDS students registered on this programme are not expected to or need to attend the welcome events.  Please do contact your PDS programme centre administrator for any induction events relating to this specialist programme.

Do I have to attend campus to register?

The majority of new postgraduate researchers must complete their registration with the University in person.

Some collaborative and dual award researchers can register remotely. Please scroll down for more detailed FAQs about this.

What happens at the 'in person' Registration?

Your personal information and ID will be checked. We strongly encourage you to complete online pre-registration before you arrive, as it will save you time and give you access to Surrey Support.

The process of the 'in-person' registration should only take a few minutes with a staff member as long as you have the correct documentation with you.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept scanned copies or photocopies of your ID or visa documents. We can only accept your original documents.  If you hold a digital immigration status, you should generate a share code from your Gov.uk account.

International PGRs: please check the information on MySurrey Help first, or go via Surrey Support if you need to raise something more specific. Alternatively, book an appointment with the International Student Advice team

I am experiencing visa issues and will not be able to register in person by the deadline

Those that are unable to ‘register in person’ due to visa issues then please contact the Admissions team (admissions@surrey.ac.uk) and request a late registration form or deferral to the next entry point.

Who can help me with my visa?

Please check the information on MySurrey Help first, or go via Surrey Support if you need to raise something more specific. Alternatively, you can book an appointment with International Student Advice team.

When and where do I get my campus card?

Your campus card serves as an identity card and confirms you are a student at the University of Surrey. Your campus card will enable you to access the Library and its services, access buildings on campus, use photocopiers/printers and enter the Surrey Sports Park (if you are a member). 

Once you have attended your in-person Registration, you will need to complete a campus card form to request your card. You will need to provide a recent passport-style photo in jpg format. A card can take up to 5 working days to be produced after application. 

Where do I find key information about my doctoral programme?

Important information is in the PGR handbook and the following webpages are specifically designed for PGRs:

Links to key information, guidance material and support web pages, you will receive as part of your welcome – induction email that is issued by your Faculty Programmes team.

When should I expect my first tuition fees invoice (if self-funded)?

A tuition fee invoice the balance of your 2024/25 fees will be sent to your University e-mail account during April/May 2025 and will detail the exact amount due, due date and methods of payment. If you have any further questions regarding your tuition fees, please contact Fees and Funding: feesandfunding@surrey.ac.uk.

I am on a dual programme, do I need to attend site to register?

No, not if as part of your dual agreement you are not due to attend site until later in the year.

Please notify the Admissions team (admissions@surrey.ac.uk) so you will be able to register remotely.

I am a collaborative PGR do I need to attend site to register?

No, if your collaborative arrangement is that you are not due to attend the University of Surrey until later in the year or next year.

Please notify the Admissions team at admissions@surrey.ac.uk so you will be able to register remotely.

Do I have to attend the health and safety session even if I don’t use laboratories?

Yes - health and safety training is not exclusive to laboratory users, with our online risk assessment training providing training for low-hazard areas, such as office spaces.

For high-hazard areas, such as laboratories, we run a ‘classroom’ course and the refresher course is hosted online. Health, safety and fire induction training is applicable across all University of Surrey work areas.

What should I ask in my first supervisory meeting?
  • Make sure you are clear on your responsibilities and those of your supervisors
  • Agree some SMART targets for the next six months
  • Agree on the training you need and sign up to the welcome to your PhD workshop
  • Log the agreed outcomes and actions in your monthly supervision report on Surrey Self-Service.
  • Set a date for your next meeting and stick to it (no later than one month from your first meeting).
I am a visiting/occasional PGR

Visiting students are managed by the school/department/centre to which you are associated to.

The instruction and advice is to contact your academic host, which would usually be your supervisor. An alternative contact would be your centre/dept/school administrator.

What will my working arrangements be?

Please ensure you liaise with your supervisors as soon as possible in order to make a start on your research.

Ensure that you also confirm arrangements regarding supervisory meetings. Unless you are on a collaborative or dual degree programme then you should not be distance learning.

Your department or centre administrator can advise you regarding local support available to you, including arrival preparations.

FABSS faculty only – PhD programme taught modules

If you are following the Management and Business PhD programme offered by the Surrey Business School (not the Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events PhD), you will be taking taught modules this semester; we will register you for an online timetable and it may take a few days to load fully. You will gain access to the module information on SurreyLearn once you have completed the 'in person' registration.

I am a Clinical Psychology student

Students registered on this programme do not attend the Doctoral College induction events. For further details of induction activities relating to this programme, please contact the centre (PsychD) administrator.