Specialist database and systems

We have specialist systems and databases to help you in your studies, depending on the course you are studying or the faculty belong to.


The GitLab service provides centralised Git repository management for University of Surrey students.

What is GitLab?

The service is suitable for either single users or groups of users who require a tool for managing their software projects. Gitlab offers features such as version control, fine grained access controls, code reviews, issue tracking, code publishing and activity feeds.

If you are new to Git we would strongly suggest you read some of the documentation available at the following locations:

How do I sign up?

Students can sign up using their University credentials. As a new user, you will need to start by visiting the service web page via a browser, and sign in to get your account initialised. You should use the Surrey tab for login and not a Google account.

The service url is: https://gitlab.surrey.ac.uk.

Once your account is set up, all management operations, such as creating a new project or managing access to it for other users, can be performed through the web interface. Workflows related to code management, such as committing or branching, can also be done through the web interface. It is however more usual that these kind of tasks are performed via CLI or GUI Git clients, for which both HTTP and SSH access methods are available.

External collaborators

Users that are not affiliated with the University of Surrey but want to collaborate on projects hosted by the Gitlab service, can use a Google account to sign in.

External users should use the "Sign in with Google" feature just below the normal SURREY login, this will initialise a new account which will however be in a blocked state.

Project owners should send an email to itservicedesk@surrey.ac.uk requesting the account to be unblocked. Once this is done the project owner can add the user to the project.

What GitLab is not suitable for?

GitLab is not intended as a document sharing service or as a replacement for  project file store. If you need document collaboration the University offers a Sharepoint service, whilst file store for projects can be requested by completing the Storage Application Form.

There are a number of issues which can have an adverse affect on service performance and we ask you keep these in mind when using GitLab:

  • Binary files – Git is very good at versioning text files that contain code, but not good at versioning binary files. Please only add binary files in your repository if absolutely necessary.
  • Larger binary files should use the git-lfs, which is a supported feature by the new service. By doing so you will secure better performance for yourself as well as for all the other users of the service.
  • Large number of files – try to keep the number of files in your repository below 1000 files.
  • Large overall repository size – try to keep your repository below 1GB.

Finance and accounting databases

The Finance and Accounting discipline has access to the most sophisticated and analytical databases in accounting and finance, providing you with the appropriate tools to perform cutting-edge research and deliver high-quality output.


Monitor and analyse real-time financial data: government securities, corporate debt, money market, equity shares, commodity markets, indexes, and currency markets.

Availability: Bloomberg terminals in room 12MS01.

To use the Bloomberg terminals:

  • Log onto Windows with your main university username and password.
  • When you are logged in the Bloomberg software will run automatically.
  • You will be presented with a screen offering you a choice of languages and prompting you to press “Enter”.
  • When you have done so you will be presented with a screen prompting you to enter a username and password.
    • If you are using Bloomberg for the first time: please use the "Create a New Login" option to set up your individual profile. If you have created a new login you will receive a validation code by text or email and you should enter this on the validation screen.
    • If you are returning: you can login.
  • Once you are logged in you will be able to access the system.

If you need any assistance please use the online help facility.

Please note that use of Bloomberg terminals is restricted so if you need to use Bloomberg but are not able to log in please ask your tutor for approval. The tutor should raise an approval request with Dr Fabio Dias.


Comprehensive database of China stock markets and the financial statements of China’s listed companies.

Availability: online (access from computers on campus or via OpenLab).


A large variety of financial data of listed companies (financial statements, accounting ratios) and economic data of countries (exchange rates, interest rates) worldwide.

Availability: Via the remote desktop service with an appropriate client installed on your device, or a modern web browser.

You will need to have requested access to Datastream before you can access the system. Please contact your supervisor/tutor who will need to contact IT Services to request access for you.

Note: There are only three datastream PCs that can be used at the same time so please only use these when needed and don’t abuse the system. We reserve the right to disconnect inactive sessions and those who have been connected for more than 30 minutes especially during peak demand periods.


Contains comprehensive information on listed and unlisted companies worldwide.

Availabilityonline via institutional login


Access to financial and accounting data, executive compensation packages, credit ratings, debt capital structure, event study software, and audit information.

Availability: online (available via online enrolment).

Creating a WRDS account:

  1. Go to http://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu
  2. Select the Register tab or link “Register for a WRDS Account”
  3. Complete the Account Request form selecting ‘University of Surrey’ from the list of institutions. Enter your Surrey email address in the email box.
  4. Once you submit an Account Request, an email will be sent to your WRDS Representatives.
  5. After receiving approval, an account will be created and you will receive an email message with a special URL and instructions for setting the account password and logging into WRDS.
  6. You may log into WRDS.
  7. Review the WRDS Terms of Use.
  8. You may begin using your new account.

If you need help with using WRDS please see the online demo and FAQs.


Qualtrics is an experience management and survey software which provides students from the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences (FABSS) and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) access to use the survey service to conduct questionnaires for their dissertation.

How to create your FABSS Qualtrics account

To request a FABSS Qualtrics account please complete the online form.

The form can also be accessed using the QR code below.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact FABSS Qualtrics Administrator.

How to create your FHMS Qualtrics account

To request an FHMS Qualtrics account please complete the online form.