Printing on campus
The University's SurreyPrint service allows you to securely retrieve your print job from any of the hundreds of multi-function devices (MFDs) across campus.
Using the service
You can print to any of the MFDs on campus using the following options:
If you are on campus
Using your own laptop: to set up printing from your own laptop on campus, you will need to:
- Be connected to the University’s wireless network eduroam
- Download SurreyPrint onto your device.
- Once you’ve downloaded SurreyPrint, to print a document use ‘File>Print as usual on software applications such as Word and Excel and select ‘SurreyPrint’ by selecting \\PrintService\SurreyPrint.
To see instructions on how to download SurreyPrint for Windows and Mac OS devices please refer to the relevant 'Printing from your ... device' drop down box below, or watch this instructional video.
Using a University PC, please use SurreyPrint by selecting \\PrintService\SurreyPrint via the normal File>Print options on software applications such as Word and Excel.
Using your mobile phone or tablet, please use ‘mobile printing’ or ‘web printing’ and ensure you are connected to the university network (see instructions below).
If you are away from campus
Using your own device, you will need to use ‘web printing’ or ‘mobile printing’ (see instructions below).
To collect your printing:
- You can collect your print job from any campus printer by simply swiping your campus card and pressing ‘Print’ or ‘Print all’ on the touch screen Please use the sanitising wipes provided before and after using the touch screen
- You will need to have print credits to collect print jobs and to photocopy. Top up your account or check your credits
- Your files will automatically print in black and white and duplex as default
- Your jobs will be deleted after 72 hours if they are not printed
- You will need to log out when you have finished using the printer. To do this swipe your campus ID card through the card reader on the device.
Printing charges
- Black and white / greyscale: 4p per page
- Black and white / greyscale duplex*: 8p per page
- Colour: 10p
- Colour duplex*: 20p.
- Black and white / Greyscale: 6p per page
- Black and white / Greyscale duplex*: 12p per page
- Colour: 20p
- Colour duplex*: 40p.
* Printing on both sides of a page.
Note: your files will automatically print in black and white and duplex as default.
Videos and guides
Getting started
- Adding the SurreyPrint queue - Mac (PDF)
- Adding the SurreyPrint queue - Windows (PDF)
- Adding the SurreyPrint queue - Linux (PDF).
Printing, copying and scanning
Adding SurreyPrint to personal Windows devices
Adding SurreyPrint to Personal Windows Devices
If you have not found the information you were looking for on this page please send an email to IT Services.