Laptop loans
Laptops are available to borrow from the Library 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as from the Kate Granger building.
About laptop loans
We have laptops that you can borrow for four hours or seven days using the laptop lockers. You can find these on Level 1 of the Library to the right of the water dispenser near the green lift, or from the Kate Granger building.
All you need to do is follow instructions on the locker screen and the loan will appear on your library account in the same way as a book. The laptop can be used anywhere in the Library, or Kate Granger building, and will give you access to files on your OneDrive, the internet and printing.
Four-hour loan laptops
The four-hour loan laptops can be used anywhere in the Library, or Kate Granger building, providing you connect to the Wifi using Eduroam and will give you access to files on your OneDrive, the internet and printing.
Seven-day loan laptops
The seven-day loan laptops are only available in the Library and can be taken off campus.
For seven-day loan laptops you will need to:
- Collect a bag and charger from the Library and Learning Hive desk on Level 1 before you leave.
- Connect to the internet to be able to log onto the laptop for the first time. We recommend you do this whilst on campus and connect using Eduroam. View instructions on how to connect (PDF).
- Connect to the Internet before you return the laptop to ensure any locally saved files sync to your OneDrive cloud storage.
Using loan laptops
When you use any of our laptops, you are using our Virtual Desktop service, so please ensure you save or back up all your files before shutting down, as we cannot guarantee file recovery if you save work to anywhere other than your desktop, documents, or OneDrive directly.
You will require access to the internet in order to log onto the laptop for the first time. We recommend that the initial login is done via our Eduroam WiFi, but that in itself isn't mandatory. Before returning the laptop please ensure you connect to the internet again so that files saved locally can then sync with OneDrive in the cloud and your then good to return the laptop.
By loaning a laptop you are agreeing to abide by the Library regulations and the IT Acceptable Use Policy (PDF).
If you have any feedback, suggestions or improvements for the scheme we would like to hear from you. Email the team at
Borrowing laptops
If you have not found the information you were looking for on this page please send an email to IT Services.