Academic Skills and Development

The Academic Skills and Development team provide advice and guidance to all students at Surrey, helping you to develop as a learner and enhance your academic, personal and professional skills.

Why should I seek advice?

The Academic Skills and Development team offers advice to students at all levels of study, on all course programmes at Surrey. The team can help you develop your confidence in key areas such as:

  • Critical thinking
  • Finding and evaluating information
  • Referencing and organising information
  • Planning and writing assignments, projects, or dissertations
  • Revision and preparation for exams.

Ways to access advice and support

Online guides and advice for your studies

Visit: My Learning Development at Surrey to access guides, videos and tutorials to help you independently develop your academic skills such as writing, researching and referencing.

You will also find guidance here about what support is available and how to access advice from the Academic and Development team

Drop-in for study advice

Visit us: to discuss your work in a guided and supportive environment. There is no need to book an appointment. You can seek advice from a Learning Development Adviser or Learning Development Librarian about a quick query and you are welcome to stay and study with us throughout the hour.

When: please take a look at your SurreyLearn module, My Learning Development at Surrey, for more information on the days and times the drop-ins are running.

Where: the sessions run in the Learning Development Zone on level 1 of the Library. If you are struggling to find us, please speak to one of our colleagues at the Library Welcome desk at the entrance to the Library on Level 1.

Additional information: the Maths and Statistics Advice team also run drop-ins at specific days and times in the week. Take a look at their page to find out more: Maths and Statistics Advice drop-in.

Please note: drop-ins are confidential, non-judgmental and advisory in nature, we will not share details of our discussion with anyone without your consent.

Book an appointment

Ask us

We encourage you to book an appointment for more detailed queries. Online and on-campus appointment options are available.

How to book

You can book your preferred option using the links below.

For guidance on how to book and cancel online appointments, please visit Appointments on My Learning Development at Surrey.


Online appointments take place on MS Teams.

On-campus appointments will take place in the Learning Development Zone on Level 1 of the Library.

Additional information

  • All appointments are for 30-minutes
  • You will receive the same advice whether you book an online or on-campus appointment. Consider which option would best suit your study needs
  • Your online appointment link will be sent to your Surrey University email address in the appointment confirmation email once you have booked your appointment
  • PLEASE NOTE: appointments are confidential, non-judgmental and advisory in nature: we will not share any email correspondence or details of our discussion with anyone without your consent.

IMPORTANT: If you have been asked to book an appointment with Academic Skills and Development as part of an Academic Integrity Referral, please see the section below on this.

Learning development workshops

All students, in all areas of study are welcome to attend the range of workshops designed to help you develop your academic, personal and professional potential. These workshops are suitable whether you are a complete starting your studies at university or looking for an opportunity to develop your current skill sets.

Where: Workshops are available online or on-campus. On-campus workshops will take place in the Shepard and Bellairs training rooms on Level 1 of the Library.

When: The workshop programme runs in both semesters. Please see the current schedule.

How to book: Please visit Surrey Self-Service and select ‘Book Learning Development workshops’.

Why attend: The workshops are intended to help you develop as a learner by applying the strategies taught and approaches discussed to your subject of study. All students are welcome to attend.

Content: Each workshop includes activities which may be related to pre-recorded material. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions relating to the topic area.

Workshop topics include: Be critical when researching, reading and writing; develop your dissertation and final year projects; use feedback to optimise your work; research, reference and integrate evidence in your work.

Self-directed workshops: There are, additionally, pre-recorded workshops that allow you to engage with the material independently, and at a time convenient to you.

PLEASE NOTE: there is a cut-off point of 24-hours for booking and cancelling workshops. If you would like to book onto a workshop after the cut-off period, please email the team the Academic Skills and Development team at

Academic integrity referrals

If you have been recommended to seek advice as part of an academic integrity referral, please request an appointment to see a member of the Learning Development teams: Academic Skills and Development or Maths and Statistics Advice. 

Where: the appointment will take place online via MS Teams and the appointment link will be sent to your Surrey University email address in the appointment confirmation message when you book. 

Additional information: for any further advice or guidance on Academic Integrity Referrals, please email us on and we will reply to you within two working days.

Please note: our academic integrity appointments are confidential, non-judgmental and advisory in nature, we will not share any email correspondence or details of our discussion with anyone. We will only share emails where necessary and with your consent.


Support for postgraduate students

Postgraduate students are welcome to take part in any of our workshops, appointments and drop-ins.

In addition:

  • My Learning Development on SurreyLearn hosts a range of bespoke resources to help you understand the expectations of Master's level study
  • Masters and Postgraduate Taught students can sign up to our Master’s events which will take place across the year. Forthcoming events will be posted on your My Learning Development at Surrey module
  • Postgraduate research students can access bespoke resources and events on the Researcher Development Programme, which are designed specifically for research students.

Get involved in learning development opportunities

In addition to the above, the Learning Development Teams (Academic Skills and Development and Maths and Statistics Advice) offer opportunities to help you to further develop academically, personally and professionally.

These include:

  • Supporting other learners as a mentor in our PALS peer learning schemes
  • Connecting with students from other subject areas by engaging in our Learning Development events.

Please see the information below for some of the activities available and visit Development Opportunities on your my Learning Development at Surrey module on SurreyLearn for more information about upcoming opportunities and how to participate. 

Peer-to-peer learning

Peer-to-peer learning is a valuable aspect of developing as a successful learner at university. Academic Skills and Development offer peer-to-peer support opportunities you can participate in, as outlined below.

Peer Active Learning Scheme (PALS)

PALS is a scheme that matches foundation, first- and second-year undergraduate students (as mentees) with trained final-year undergraduate or postgraduate mentors, to develop academic skills for learning. For example, mentees can work with their mentors to develop skills in researching, note making, academic writing, referencing and planning.

Am I eligible to take part?

PALS Mentees:

Any student on a foundation year course or in the 1st or 2nd year of an undergraduate course can request to become a mentee in the scheme. Find out more about being a PALS mentee including how and when to sign-up by visiting the PALS Mentee page on the my Learning Development at Surrey module on SurreyLearn.

PALS Mentors:

You must be a final year undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught (PGT) or Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) student at the University of Surrey in the current academic year and meet the criteria required for your level of study. Find out more about the role, eligibility criteria and how and when to apply by visiting the PALS Mentoring page on the my Learning Development at Surrey module on SurreyLearn. 

Learning Development events

Learning Development (Academic Skills and Development and Maths and Statistics Advice) host events throughout the academic year. This includes advice and activities to help you prepare for revision and exams, adapting to expectations of Postgraduate Taught study and support for dissertations and final year projects.

For details of events visit Development Opportunities on your my Learning Development at Surrey module on SurreyLearn.

Where to find us

You can find the Academic Skills and Development team in the Library.

Students working in the Student Development Zone, in the Library
The Library's learning development zone