Regulations, appeals and complaints

We want to ensure that you have the best learning experience while at the University. In order to achieve this, it is important that you are aware of the regulations, appeals and complaints procedures.

Office of Student Complaints, Appeal and Regulation

The Office of Student Complaints, Appeal and Regulation (OSCAR) deals with the administration of academic appeals, fitness to practise cases, support to study matters, complaints, student discipline, managed exclusion orders, criminal conviction disclosures and Report + Support submissions.

What we deal with

Academic appealsAn academic appeal may be formally requested by a student only when their module marks or award has been approved by the Board of Examiners and formally published by the University.
Extenuating circumstancesFind out more about the University's regulations for extenuating circumstances, where students experience circumstances that temporarily make it impossible to participate in a programme, submit assessments, or attend examinations.
Fitness to practiseFitness to practise procedures only apply to students who are on courses that lead to registration to a professional body.
Support to studyFitness to study is defined by being able to participate, with reasonable adjustments where necessary, in the programmes of study and/or in University life.
Disciplinary appealsYou can also appeal against disciplinary action from authorised persons.
ComplaintsThe University has a procedure to address complaints by students about learning opportunities and other aspects of university life.

Contact OSCAR

Privacy notice

Find out how the Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR) handles your personal data:

Independent advice

The Students’ Union is available to offer advice and support to students for matters involving appeals, complaints and regulations.

Policies, regulations and codes of practice

All courses are subject to the University of Surrey policies, regulations and codes of practice. When you register for your course each year, you are agreeing to comply with the regulations and terms and conditions governing your studies for that particular year.


Our policies outline the rules and regulations that you abide by. Examples of policies include:

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Fee and Debt Management Policy
  • Misuse of Drugs Policy
  • Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Codes of practice

Codes of practice explain the principles and practices behind a range of activities. Students may be interested in, but not limited to, the following codes:

  • Academic governance
  • Student engagement
  • Personal tutoring
  • Recognition of prior learning.