Extenuating circumstances

This page will guide you through your options for extenuating circumstances (or ECs for short), how to apply and where to go for additional support should you need it. 

What is an extenuating circumstance?

During the course of your studies you may experience unforeseen exceptional circumstances that temporarily impair your ability to participate in your programme, submit your assessments or attend examinations or other assessment-related events such as an in-semester test or a performance.

It is important that you read all the information on this page before making an application, as well as the full regulations for ECs. You can also find key support contacts if you are considering an application – we are here to help you if you need us.

Extenuating circumstances are not a replacement for getting additional support. If you think you are experiencing ongoing issues that are impacting your studies, please seek support as soon as possible. 

What are the valid grounds for extenuating circumstances?

The Regulations for extenuating circumstances set out the grounds on which the University accepts requests for ECs, including those that are supported by evidence or self-certified, and the possible outcomes of consideration of these applications.

List of valid grounds for ECs

The grounds for the recognition of ECs include (the list is not exhaustive):

i. Bereavement through the death of a close relative or significant other that, in employment, would lead an employer to grant compassionate leave;

ii. For oneself or a close relative (such as parent, child or spouse/partner) or a person who is dependent upon the student for their care:

  • Serious short-term illness or accident of a nature that, in employment, would lead an employer to agree to absence on sick leave
  • A long-term chronic health problem suddenly worsening
  • A flare-up of a chronic health problem.

iii. For part-time and distance learning students in employment, an increase in their workload due to circumstances beyond their control, or being required by their employer to work through periods normally available for study and/or assessment;

iv. Other exceptional circumstances that have or will have in the future, affected the student's ability to meet a deadline or to attend an event. Such circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may include participation in international sporting events, jury service and military service.

A full list of acceptable grounds for ECs can be found in the regulations.

Circumstances not accepted by the University

Examples of circumstances that are not accepted by the University as valid grounds for ECs include (the list is not exhaustive):

  • A minor illness that would not normally lead a responsible and reasonable employed person to take sick leave
  • Circumstances that a reasonable person would view as foreseeable or preventable
  • Holidays, including getting married, attendance at marriages, festivals and similar events
  • Poor working practices
  • Failure on the part of the student to acquaint themselves with the University's Regulations and assessment procedures.
Extenuating circumstances video thumbnail

We’re your Union Advice team and we’re here to tell you what counts as an EC

If you need to check whether you are eligible for self-certifying of your valid ECs, please contact MySurrey Hive.

Types of extenuating circumstances

There are two types of extenuating circumstances - self-certified and evidenced.

You will see the phrase "University working days" used in the below. This means Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays and University closure days. You can find an up-to-date list of closure days on the key dates page.

Evidenced based extenuating circumstances

Evidenced based extenuating circumstances are used when you have evidence to support your application.

Evidence must be written in English or accompanied by certified translations where appropriate. Evidence could include:

  • Bereavement
  • Illness
  • A late diagnosis
  • Accident or injury
  • Significant adverse personal or family circumstances
  • Military service
  • Increased workload due to circumstances beyond one’s control (for part-time and distance learning students in employment) or participation in national and international sports events and/or specific training requirements (for University of Surrey Sports Scholars), etc.

Please check the Regulations for extenuating circumstances for the full range of the required evidence to support your request.

You can select any number of assessments to include in your application as long as the submission deadlines/event dates are within 10 university working days of each other.

Where the University approves your request, you may be granted an extension of ten University working days from the date of the original assessment deadline, regardless of when the application is submitted.

If you are submitting an extenuating circumstance for an exam this will always result in a deferral. 

After these extension deadlines have passed, you would need to defer to the next available opportunity which may impact your academic progression.

Evidenced based extenuating circumstances guidance (PDF)

Extending an evidence-based application

You cannot extend a previous application using a self-certified extenuating circumstance. If you need to extend it you would need to apply with evidence.

Where the University approves your request, you may be granted an extension of a further five University working days – a total of 15 University working days from the date of the original assessment deadline, regardless of when the application is submitted. This will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

After these extension deadlines have passed, you would need to defer to the next available opportunity which may impact your academic progression.

Self-certified extenuating circumstances

Self-certified ECs are used when you cannot provide evidence for an evidenced application, but you still have a valid/recognised circumstance.

When applying for self-certified ECs, you must provide a written statement outlining the nature of your ECs and explaining how these have affected you and your ability to undertake the assessment(s) to the best of your ability. 

You can submit up to three self-certified applications per academic year (one per academic Semester and Late Summer Assessment Period), and they can be used for all types of assessment.

Each application covers a maximum period of five University working days. You can select any number of assessments to include in your application as long as the submission deadlines/event dates are within five University working days of each other.

If you are submitting an EC for an exam this will always result in a deferral.

Self-certified extenuating circumstances guidance (PDF)

Extending a self-certified application

An evidence-based EC can be submitted to extend a self-certified application, however, the deadline will still be ten days from the original assessment deadline (not from the five-day self-certified deadline).  If an evidence-based application is used in this way and approved, you will get your self-certified application back to use again during that semester, should you need to.

The main differences between evidenced and self-certified extenuating circumstances
Evidenced extenuating circumstances Self-certified extenuating circumstances
Requires valid evidence Does not require evidence
Requires a supporting statement outlining valid grounds for ECs and desired outcome Requires a supporting statement outlining valid grounds for ECs and desired outcome
To be submitted before the assessment deadline or the start of a timed assessment event where possible, but may be submitted up to five working days after deadline/event Only valid when completed before a deadline or the start of a timed assessment event
Unlimited evidenced applications (although continued applications which demonstrate a need for additional support may be referred to the Procedure for Support to Study) Limited to one self-certified application per each academic semester and Late Summer Assessment period/ academic term.
One application can be used to cover any/all chosen assessment(s) within evidenced time period One application can be used to cover any/all chosen assessment(s) within a maximum period of five University working days.
If approved, the deadline extension is a maximum period of ten (10) University working days from the date of the original assessment deadline If approved, the deadline extension is a maximum period of five (5) University working days from the date of the original assessment deadline
Apply online through Surrey Self-Service under the modules menu Apply online through Surrey Self-Service under the modules menu

Important information before applying

Before applying it is strongly recommended that you first discuss this with your personal tutor or MySurrey Hive to ensure you fully understand the implications of this process for your circumstances. 

It is a very serious disciplinary offence to misuse this process and/or mislead the University. This could result in the termination of your programme in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Regulations. If you are unsure about the requirements, please seek advice from your Personal Tutor, MySurrey Hive or the Students’ Union.

The submission of ECs applications, especially for several assessments, could affect your academic progression and potentially lead to your programme suspension and retaking a year. Once the application for ECs is approved by the University, any submitted work that is covered by this application, will not be marked. 

If you are planning to apply to the Graduate Route (Post-Study Work Visa) then we would recommend that you contact MySurrey Hive. 

What counts as evidence thumbnail

We’re your Union Advice team and we’re here to tell you what counts as evidence

How to apply for extenuating circumstances

If you believe that you have valid ECs, then you must complete the application form online and submit it as soon as you become aware of the situation – but not more than 2-3 weeks before the deadline as circumstances may change during that time. 

Please ensure that you specify if are requesting a deferral of your assessment(s) rather than an extension.

 If you then decided to take the assessment or submit your work, you must withdraw your approved or pending application prior to the assessment/deadline, otherwise your work will not be marked even if you complete your assessment and submit it.

Submit an application on Surrey Self-Service

Applications are normally processed within five working days. If you have submitted the required evidence and have not heard by that time please contact MySurrey Hive.

Additional support for applicants

In addition to seeking support from your personal tutor or MySurrey Hive team, you may wish to contact the Students' Union who can offer impartial advice to all students.

The Centre for Wellbeing can also provide you with appropriate wellbeing support, including supporting evidence depending on your circumstances.

If you plan to apply to the Graduate Route (Post-Study Work Visa), we recommend contacting MySurrey Hive to understand the implications that submitting ECs may have on your eligibility for this visa.

How to withdrawn an application

Sometimes circumstances change and you are able to complete or attend your assessment by the original date and time. If this is the case, you can request to withdraw part or all of your application – as long as you request it before the start of your assessment or deadline.