Reviewing your progress

Find out more about the formal progress review process.

Yearly reviews

In addition to your regular supervisory sessions, you will be required to take part in two formal reviews each year: the interim review and the end of year review. 

Progress reviews

Progress reviews are conducted every six months. The Interim review is submitted between March-May and the End of year review is submitted between September-November each year. The progress review is an opportunity for you and your supervisory team to evaluate progress on your project over the past six months and to set objectives and goals for the six months ahead. It can be used as a mechanism to put in place measures for getting you back on track if progress has stalled. The Research Degrees Administrators will send you the correct Progress Review template when issuing instructions for the specific review period. Please do not use any other Progress Review template or this could result in you having to complete the exercise using the correct form.

Please see the FAQ below to determine whether you should complete a progress review.

Progress review FAQs

I started my research programme in April/July 2024. Do I still need to complete a progress review?

Yes, a progress review is required. Although you will not have completed six months of your programme, it is important to review your progress and agree some objectives for the next six months.

I started my research programme in October 2024. Do I still need to complete a progress review?

No, you are exempt from this review period but you will be required to complete the next progress review. Progress reviews are issued by Research Degrees Programme Management every six months (in March/April and September/October).

I'm a part-time student. Do I need to complete a progress review?

Yes, all part-time and collaborative students on MPhil, PhD and MD programmes, including those on completing status (see below) need to submit a progress review.

I am on completing status. Do I need to submit a progress review?

Yes, if you have not submitted your thesis then you are required to submit a Progress Review - completing status is a change to the mode of attendance only.

I am on temporary withdrawal. Do I need to complete a progress review?

Students currently on temporary withdrawal should complete this when they resume their studies. Both student and supervisor should see this as an opportunity to review progress to date and to set objectives for the next six months.

I was on temporary withdrawal for some of the review period. Do I need to complete a progress review?

Yes, students who have been on temporary withdrawal for part of the last six months should still complete the review. Both student and supervisor should see this as an opportunity to review progress to date and to set objectives for the next six months.

I was absent for the entire review period (1st April - 30th September) - do I need to complete a review?

It is good practice to complete a progress review to set objectives for the next six months. We recommend you liaise with your Supervisor to discuss your review further.

I had/am having my Confirmation viva close to the progress review submission deadline. Am I exempt from completing a progress review?

Whilst it is not mandatory to submit a progress review in these circumstances, as set out in A2: Regulations for research degrees (Para 49) (PDF), it is good practice to complete one as it provides an opportunity to take a broad view of your programme, including a review of training needs and to set targets for the next six months. Following discussion with your supervisor(s), if you still wish to be exempt please notify your PGR Director so they know not to expect a completed progress review from you.

I'm due to submit my thesis soon. Do I have to submit a progesss review?

Yes, you are only exempt if you have already submitted your thesis for examination to the Research Degrees Office.

I've submitted my thesis and completed my viva (or it is due soon). Do I need to complete a progress review?

No, you are exempt once you have submitted your thesis for examination.

What happens if I do not submit a progress review?

Unless you are exempt, then a non-submission could result in the initiation of unsatisfactory academic progress procedures, as set out in the A2: Regulations for research degrees (Para 52) (PDF).

I am on an EngD, PDS, PsychD programme. Do I need to complete a progress review?

No, students registered on these programmes will be contacted by their Centre if a progress review is required.

I'm a Quantum Biology PhD student. Where do I submit my completed progress review?

Please submit the completed PGR/Supervisor sections of your progress review form to Professor Jonathan Johnston (email who will complete and sign off the review as PGRD for Quantum Biology PGRs.


The confirmation process is a formal assessment you are required to undertake in order to continue with your MD or PhD. It usually takes place between 12 and 15 months for full-time students and 24 and 30 months for part-time students (Faculty specific rules may apply). For those programmes with a structured taught element, the confirmation must take place no later than 24 months (for full-time students) and no later than 48 months (for part-time students). 

About the meetings

The purpose of the confirmation meeting is: 

  • To evaluate your approach to the research problem in terms of the theory and proposed or adopted research methods, in order to establish that the future objectives and methods are feasible, appropriate and likely to form a suitable and sufficient programme for degree candidature.
  • To ensure that you have the necessary motivation and is making adequate progress to complete a thesis or portfolio within the required timescale.
  • To consider evidence that suitable training, including compulsory elements, has been satisfactorily undertaken.
  • To provide you with feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the research and its presentation.
  • To consider arrangements for supervision and facilities for the work and ensure that both are appropriate for completion of the project within the maximum period of registration.

You will be required to submit a report and sit an oral examination. The requirements of the report vary from discipline to discipline so it is advisable to consult your handbook and discuss the precise requirements with your supervisors. 

You will be examined by two examiners. The examiners will normally be internal to the University but in some cases, such as when you are a member of staff, one examiner will be external. 

You are allowed up to two attempts at the confirmation. 

Initial review

There are two possible outcomes of your first confirmation meeting: 

  1. You are permitted to continue registration on the degree.
  2. Your registration should not be confirmed but that you may resubmit for confirmation of registration on a single occasion only, normally three months later with or without further oral examination. 

Prepare for your review

Final review

The outcome of the second confirmation meeting can be: 

  1. You are permitted to continue registration on the degree or in the case of PhD and MD students, you should be registered for the degree of Master of Philosophy
  2. Your registration be terminated. 

Prepare for your review

Complete one of the following: