PhD by Publication

Postgraduate researchers have the option of substituting one or more chapters in their thesis with one or more chapters written for publication.
PhD/MD by Publication
There are two routes to a PhD by Publication:
- PhD/MD by Publication Format: This option is for postgraduate research students registered on a standard PhD or MD degree who want to include one or more chapters written for publication in their thesis. PGRs using this option will base their publications on research conducted during their doctoral degree at Surrey.
- PhD by Prior Publication: This option is only available to University staff and staff in organisations with teaching and/or research connection to the University. Candidates using this option will already have a body of published works and their candidature focusses on preparing a thesis with additional text that wraps around the publications.
Guidance on these two routes in available in the PhD by Publication guidance (PDF). The document covers the regulatory requirements, guidance on writing publications, and guidance on writing a thesis that incorporates publications.