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If your exam has been scheduled as a face-to-face on campus exam then you will be allocated a venue and a seat number for every examination – it is your responsibility to ensure you attend the correct location and that you arrive in time for the start of the examination. Some exams remain online and therefore details will be available through the modules page on Surreylearn instead.
Modules are normally examined at the end of the semester in which they have been taught, with formal written examinations being timetabled by the University.
Remember to check the following when the official examinations timetable is published:
Failure to attend an examination on the given date at the prescribed time will be regarded as a non-attendance and, in the absence of extenuating circumstances, a zero mark will be awarded.
The semester 1 Exams Timetable will be released on Friday 29 November 2024.
Please check your personalised timetable for details of your forthcoming exam. Your timetable will also confirm if you have been scheduled for an online exam or a face-to-face on campus exam (with room numbers on).
In Semester 1, the examination period will run from Monday 6 January to Friday 24 January 2025.
In line with principles previously agreed, the examination day shall start at 9am and continue until 9pm including Saturdays during this period.
Semester 2 May/June 2025
In Semester 2, the examination period will run from Friday 16 May to Friday 6 June 2025.
The examination day will run from 9am until 9pm.
Late summer assessments August 2025
Late summer assessments will run from Monday 11 August to Friday 22 August 2025.
Your seat
Your exam seating lists are available to view on SurreyLearn. Some exams are taking place across multiple venues so you must check all seating lists until you find your name. Please make sure you go to the correct venue. If you do not go to the right venue you will be turned away as there will not be space for you and this may result in you being late for the start of your exam.
Timetabling principles
Most examinations start at 9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm and 6:30pm, but check your timetable carefully to make sure you have the right time.
Students will not normally have more than one examination in 18 hours. Where a student has an examination in the evening one day (i.e. finishing after 6:30pm), then the student will not have an examination before 12:30pm the following day
If a student has two assessments* on one day, the minimum period of time between assessments will be 90 minutes.
*Assessments here refers to class tests that are repeated in the late summer resit period
In the case of adverse weather, examinations will take place only when it can be certain that most students can reasonably be expected to attend the campus to take them. The decision about whether or not to postpone examinations will be made by the Director of Student Services and Administration.
Details of any postponement will be posted on the University’s website, through the email systems and, if possible, via the local radio.
Postponed examinations will be scheduled until they have been completed – using weekends in the first instance, then the reading week (week 15 of Semester 1) and then the first week of the second semester (if this proves to be necessary). Students are required to be available throughout weeks 13, 14 and 15 of Semester 1 to sit any examinations which have had to be rescheduled because of adverse weather.
Examination start times may be put back by 30 minutes to enable as many students as possible to attend.
Exam venues
The main venues for exams on Stag Hill campus are:
University Hall
AC Building
Austin Pearce Building
Teaching Block
01 AC 01
AP 1&2
02 AC 01
AP 3&4
Rooms on the timetable are described as follows:
Locations are identified by a combination of numbers and letters: the first numbers identify the room, the letters identify the building, and the last numbers identify the building level. For example, 02AC01 would be Room 02, Building AC on Level 1.
Rooms labelled TB are in the Teaching Block – TB06 would therefore be in Teaching Block room 6.
Remember that other students on your course may have their exam in a different venue to you so it is essential that you check your timetable carefully for where you will be sitting the examination.