MySurrey Voice

MySurrey Voice is your digital student voice platform where you can give praise, ask a question or give feedback on your university experience. 

How to access

The platform is free for all students to use and allows us to consider appropriate action and change as a result of your comments and the great work that your Course Reps do every year.

MySurrey Voice uses your University email address and password, so there is no need to create an account.

It can be accessed using your computer, mobile or tablet's browser - there's no need to download an app.

Visit MySurrey Voice

What can I do on MySurrey Voice?

  • Post your feedback - once you are logged into MySurrey Voice you can access your department’s feedback board. Here you can share feedback on your experience by making a post on your board. This could be praise, an issue you are facing, a question or an idea. There’s a private section which is for students and Course Reps only, and a public section which can be viewed by University staff too. 
  • Up-vote on posts - you can also up-vote feedback left by others, and you will see when other students are voting for your post. 
  • Engage with Course Reps - Course Reps and staff in your faculty will review posts and respond where appropriate. Your Reps will also discuss posts and feedback with your department, and take forward the most popular or important topics. 
  • See where you have made an impact - you will be able to see where your feedback has impacted change by reading the responses to your post, or you can also look at the “Together We Changed” section of the platform to see where feedback from everyone on your board has had an impact. 

How will using MySurrey Voice help me and my department?

By using MySurrey Voice you can: 

  • Inspire change within your faculty, department and programme using your feedback.
  • Encourage positive feedback and praise for those who deserve it. 
  • Help us to close the feedback loop, ensuring that you know where changes are being made and how they will impact you. 
  • Create greater transparency and enable us to respond to your feedback in a more timely manner.  
  • Assist your Course Reps with staying on top of the issues that matter most to you, allowing them to raise topics at University meetings and Student Voice Forums. 

Frequently asked questions

Why are we using MySurrey voice?

We are aware of and often actively encourage you to set up groups on Facebook and other social media platforms. However, it is very difficult for staff, faculties and the wider University to engage in these discussions and respond to feedback. By encouraging you to put your feedback on MySurrey Voice, it will create greater transparency and enable us to respond to your feedback in a more timely manner.  

Can I provide anonymous feedback on MySurrey Voice?

Yes, you can provide anonymous feedback if you wish.  

How can I give feedback that is useful and impactful?

When you have feedback about your course, follow this guidance on how to communicate it effectively to staff.  

The following principles apply whenever you want to share feedback that is professional and purposeful: 

  • Accurate – ensure you are sharing feedback that is an accurate summary of the situation, and when you can, support your feedback with facts.  
  • Balanced – sharing positive feedback is just as important as sharing things you’d like to see changed! Balanced feedback will have the benefit of highlighting what is working really well.  
  • Constructive – be considerate and forward-focused when presenting feedback, and try and identify solutions that you would like to see implemented.  
  • Depersonalised – depersonalise your feedback from yourself and try and keep your feedback objective. Always avoid making personal attacks on any other students or staff when sharing feedback.  

Finally, when you communicate feedback about a specific issue you’ve experienced, follow these steps: 

  • Describe – outline in a good level of detail what the issue is and the practical elements of what you have experienced 
  • Express – explain the impact this is having on you and your satisfaction  
  • Specify – set out some specific solutions or actions you would like to see in resolving this issue 
  • Outcome – highlight what you think the positive outcome to the situation would be, or how students will be impacted if no solution is found 
What happens to my feedback?

Boards are monitored by University and Students’ Union staff and Course Reps. As issues and ideas are raised and discussed, staff and Reps can respond and provide updates on progress. 

Feedback is also taken to Student Voice Forums and various University meetings where it is discussed and appropriate action is taken if necessary. 

Who are my Course Reps?

Find out who your Course Reps are by completing this online form from the Students’ Union.  

What happens if inappropriate feedback is posted?

All users agree to terms of use when activating their Unitu account. This includes the three-strike policy for inappropriate content: 

  1. Reported to the University 
  2. Lose the right to anonymity 
  3. Lose access to Unitu. 

In addition to this both staff and students can report any inappropriate or defamatory comments to Unitu. The content will be removed and disciplinary action will be taken against the individual responsible for the post. 

Where can I read the privacy notice for MySurrey Voice?

Read the MySurrey Voice platform privacy notice to understand how we use your data.