
The University of Surrey is committed to becoming a leading sustainable institution. Find out what we’re doing to embed sustainability into all aspects of University life, and how you can get involved.

Preparing for the future

It’s important the University prepares you for a future impacted by climate change. The Sustainability team are working closely with key departments across the University to organise a wide range of engagement initiatives and sustainable communications. The aim is to help everyone across our community develop sustainable behaviours for life.

  • In 2020 the University committed to become net zero carbon in its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. The Sustainability team are currently working to develop a target for our scope 3 emissions too. To get there, the University has an 8-point plan.
  • Sustainability is a core graduate attribute at the University. To ensure you graduate with a grounded knowledge of sustainability, all courses will have sustainability embedded into them by 2025.
  • The Sustainability team are working closely with Procurement to develop sustainable criteria. This will ensure all departments across the University are purchasing resourcefully from ethical and sustainable companies. 
  • The Sustainability team are also working with Waste Management to develop effective recycling and reuse methods.

Sustainable training

As well as learning about sustainability within your courses, free training is available if you want to learn more about the issues surrounding climate change and sustainability.

Introduction to Sustainability: mini-module

This online mini-module can be completed in your own time and provides a solid overview of climate change and sustainability. 

You can access the course throughout the year via Surrey Learn. After completion, you will be awarded a sustainability badge that can be saved to your LinkedIn.

Global Graduate Award in Sustainability

This course will further your understanding of a wide range of challenges affecting the sustainability of our planet. It will also allow you to explore some of the promising solutions to society’s biggest challenges. 

This course is open to all full-time students. Upon completion, you will be awarded 15 co-curricular credits. View the GGA in Sustainability page.

Get involved with sustainability

There are several ways you can get involved with sustainability at the University. Whether you want experience working in sustainability, are looking to learn more or want to develop key employability skills, there’s a sustainable opportunity out there for you.

Join a green society

There are many societies organising sustainable activities both across campus and in the local community. These include Sustainability, People and Planet, Enactus and Garden Society. 

Head over to the SU’s website to find out more.

Sustainability Mark

All societies and clubs can get accredited as being sustainable by completing the Sustainability Mark. 

The mark, run in collaboration with the SU and Sustainability team, provides you with five simple sustainable actions you and your members can take. By taking part, you won't just get an award at the Union or Colours Ball, but will also achieve points towards your STARS

Take a look at the online form to find out more and get involved. Any questions, contact the Sustainability Team


The University’s Sustainability team regularly organise opportunities. Local community organisations also provide volunteering opportunities for students. 

To see the latest volunteering roles on offer, head over to Surrey Volunteering.

Have your say

Every term the Sustainability team host several sustainable events. 

These include the Sustainability Assembly – a chance for you to voice your opinions and have a significant impact on the University’s future sustainability strategy – as well as specific sustainable careers panels. 

Upcoming events are promoted on the Sustainability team’s Instagram, Tik Tok and X. You can also sign up to monthly sustainability newsletters