Civil engineering preparation

Welcome to the School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering! We look forward to meeting you and beginning your journey into the exciting field of civil engineering.

Welcome to civil engineering at Surrey

This page contains information about what to expect in your first year, as well as things you can do now to prepare for your first semester at the University of Surrey.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Civil Engineering Year 1 Tutor, Dr Martin Walker (

Course information

In each academic year you will study eight modules, four in each semester. You can find key information about the modules you will take in first year below:

Semester 1

Semester 2

Top tips

We have computer labs on campus which you are welcome to use when they are not being used for teaching. These have all the necessary software for your studies.

If you wish to purchase a computer/laptop, be aware that many engineering software packages work best on Windows computers.

It’s not all hard work! We hope you will take full advantage of the wide range of societies, sports teams, and events at the University of Surrey. Find many of these at the Surrey Students’ Union Activity Zone.

You may also be interested in our active Civil Engineering Society (CivSoc) and Women in Engineering Society. You will have a great opportunity to find out about clubs and societies at the Freshers’ Fair during Welcome Week.

Recommended reading

You do not need to purchase any textbooks for your studies. All required resources are available electronically and/or physically through the University Library. If you still wish to purchase textbooks, we recommend you wait until you have started your studies and discuss this with the relevant module leaders who can advise you.

The civil engineering profession has a long history and civil engineers play a pivotal role in shaping our world. There are several professional bodies which regulate and support the Civil Engineering profession including:

These organisations have lots of information on their websites about the diverse career pathways in civil engineering which you may find interesting to explore. Once you are enrolled you can join these organisations as a student member for free, giving you access to many useful resources, events, as well as the opportunity to get involved with profession.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

You will need to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at times on the programme. This is particularly the case when making visits to construction sites, undertaking field work in surveying, and during laboratory work. We therefore require that you have your own PPE.

We will supply you with a hardhat, safety glasses, and gloves. You also will need to purchase safety boots and a high-vis jacket. Please check back on this website, and the email address used for your UCAS application, for more information about PPE in the coming weeks.


We have noticed that many students, across all engineering disciplines, struggle with university level mathematics. This includes those who scored good marks at A-level. We offer a range of support to help you with mathematics, but you can get a head start by reviewing some key concepts from your A-level studies. In particular confidence with:

  • Algebra and functions
  • Trigonometry
  • Differentiation
  • Integration
  • Vectors.

Will be very important throughout your degree. Additionally, we will build on what you learned in mechanics, and it would be very beneficial to review this content. The website iWantToStudyEngineering is a great resource for reviewing the relevant GCSE and A-level content.

Focusing on understanding why you approach maths problems in a particular way, rather than following a ‘recipe’ or example, is essential. This will empower you to apply these techniques to problems, and in situations, that you have never encountered before, which is fundamental part of engineering.