Adult nursing preparation

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Adult Nursing programme! This page gives you some useful information and top tips but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Lisa (Adult Field Lead)
Who's who
Course information
This programme runs over three years and, following completion leads to a BSc (Hons) and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Registered Nurse (Adult).
The first year of your programme centre around ‘normality’. This means you will be learning about how support well adults or those with some conditions they manage at home. We start to explore health and illness in relation across the lifespan. We focus on developing communication skills with both patients and their families as well as considering some of the issues that makes adult Nursing so important.
As well as shared learning with other professions, you will learn as part of the Adult Nursing cohort in both the classroom and simulation centre. You’ll learn vital clinical assessment skills which you will build on as your knowledge and experience grows. The learning you complete in the classroom and with independent study will be brought to life by sessions working with the SimActors and with your teaching team.
Health sciences facilities tour
Top tips
Enjoy settling into the programme, make connections with people on your course – you will make life-long friends!
Find a club or society that interests you – the Student’s Union website and Fresher’s Week are great places to start!
Get to grips with your timetable and attend your lectures – there is a significant correlation between students who attend lectures and their academic results – we see this every single year!
Remember that there’s no such thing as a silly question – we were all where you are once, and we know it’s a steep learning curve.
Read your university emails every day during the week – this is how we keep in touch with you and how you keep in touch with us.
Recommended reading
On Twitter? There are many brilliant follows! We recommend the following to get you started:
- @uos_adultnursing
- @healthscisurrey
- @RCNStudents
- @WeNurses
When you get access to your university log in, use SurreySearch to find resources to support your studies. There are a huge number of textbooks and journals you can access online.
The adult nursing team, along with the wider Health Sciences team are very much looking forward to welcoming you in the first week of your adult nursing programme.
Adult nursing is an incredibly rewarding career and we, as a team, are here to support you through this journey. You will have an allocated personal tutor for the 3 years of your programme and your cohort lead – who will be supporting you as the cohort of students starting in September 2023 – is Emily Hilling. You will get to know Emily really well throughout year 1, along with the other members of the team.
We have a fabulous team with a wide range of experience, from Intensive Care Nurses, Cancer Care Nurses, Renal Specialists, A&E and Practice Nurses, so we can speak to a variety of different setting and bring many view points for your learning.