Sustainable travel options

As a University we have an ongoing commitment to managing our environmental impact and we are committed to giving everyone who works and studies on campus a range of options to travel sustainably. Therefore, we want to highlight a range of travel options as potential alternatives to driving that could save you time and money.

We know that changing the way you travel is not necessarily easy, but we are committed to sustainable initiatives and actively helping to provide you with cheaper, sustainable transport options wherever possible.

Available options

Bus service

Heavily discounted travel is available for staff and students on a range of Stagecoach bus routes across Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex.

Car sharing

As part of our transport strategy, we are also committed to reducing the number of single occupancy car journeys to the campus. If you commit to ongoing car sharing to and from work (and you both live outside the Guildford exclusion zone), you could halve your petrol costs and park on campus at a reduced rate.

Rail travel

Opt for an environmentally friendlier solution than driving and avoid local travel congestion. If you travel regularly on the same journey but not frequently enough to benefit from a season ticket, you can save time and money with a Carnet, allowing you to buy 10 one-day tickets for use between the same origin and destination stations at a 5% discount.          


You can move around campus in an affordable and sustainable way, with a fleet of Beryl e-bikes offering sustainable transport options across campus and Guildford. All students are eligible for a discount on the e-bike scheme, making it even easier and cheaper to get around.

Park and ride

Keep the car out of the town centre and utilise one of Guildford's Park and Ride car parks, located in Onslow, Artington, Merrow and Spectrum. Season ticket options are available via Stagecoach at discounted rates for University staff and students.