Global Graduate Award

Delivered by specialists from across the University and beyond, our Global Graduate Awards are a series of free extracurricular courses unique to the University of Surrey.

About the awards


Your chosen award will be taken alongside your course of study, providing an excellent opportunity to expand your horizons and enhance your employability and will appear on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). Upon completion of a GGA module, undergraduate and postgraduate taught students will be awarded 15 co-curricular credits. Students on postgraduate research courses will receive a certificate.

Course facts

  • FHEQ level: L (Global Graduate Award)
  • Number of credits: 15
  • Number of ECTS credits: 7.5
  • Module availability: semesters 1 and 2.

Subjects offered

Global Graduate Award in Sustainability

Our Global Graduate Award in Sustainability will improve your understanding of the world we live in. On this course you will gain an in-depth understanding of a wide range of issues affecting the sustainability of our planet including.

Global Graduate Award in Entrepreneurship

This optional mini-module will help you develop the knowledge, skills and mindset of an entrepreneur. The Global Graduate Award in Entrepreneurship is made up of workshops and coaching, plus a fully funded field trip, hackathon and hands-on challenges to create hype, run the campus incubator and sell your ideas.



GGA modules are primarily open to September-starter students on full-time UG programmes in their first, second or final year of study, and full-time PG students. Students on part-time programmes, PTY, Foundation year, course suspended, and the February starters may be considered if there are available places and if they are able to attend classes for the whole academic year. Please note that most classes are delivered face to face on our Guildford Stag Hill campus.

To be able to apply, students must:

  • Be registered as an undergraduate/postgraduate taught student of the University, and be attending degree modules on campus (Guildford), or be registered as a postgraduate research student based on campus (Guildford) for the duration of the GGA course
  • Be able to attend classes (taught in person - Guildford campus), both semesters, to the best of their knowledge
  • Apply online.

Any student not meeting the above criteria (February starters, course suspended students or students on placement...), but interested in GGA, may not apply online directly, but should contact to discuss their options.

Selection process

We offer a considerable number of classes throughout the week. However, it is not possible to guarantee every student a place in the module of their choice. We will inform you by email whether you have been successful in securing a place.

You can only take one GGA module per year. If you do not get a place in the class you applied for, you can apply for another one. Please note it will not be always possible to secure a place on the course.

Fees and funding


This course is free of charge.

Additional costs

Throughout the duration of your studies it is likely that you will incur additional costs related to your course. This may include purchasing a copy of the course book used in your chosen course and, if applicable, additional core learning materials, such as a workbook or CD.


How to apply

You can apply for a place on this course through our online portal.

GGA registration opens on 16 September at 9am and closes on 20 September at 5pm. Late applications will be possible between 23 to 27 September, but please note that classes start week commencing 23 September, except for GGA Entrepreneurship.

Admissions information

Before submitting your application:

  • Check the GGA subject-related webpages, where you will find a link to the subject-related presentations and the module descriptors
  • Attend the webinars during induction week if you have questions
  • Check your confirmed timetable against the GGA timetable to avoid clashes
  • Read the programme regulations carefully and make sure you are aware of what to expect with regards to attendance, assessment, and commitment
  • We recommend you apply as soon as you have received confirmation of your timetable
  • You can only take one GGA module per academic year. Please note it will not be always possible to secure a place on the course
  • Your application will initially show as ‘pending’. Please be patient as it might take time for your application to be processed.




Please refer to the subject-related pages for more information on assessment deadlines. The calendar below refers to the 23/24 academic year. Information for the 24/25 academic year will be ready in August 2024.

Semester 1 
September 2024 
Monday 16 September9am: GGA enrolment opens
Monday 16 September to Friday 20 SeptemberGGA webinars offered during welcome week. Please refer to subject-specific pages.
Friday 20 September5pm: GGA enrolment closes
Monday 23 SeptemberGGA classes start – start of module switch period for those wishing to change their GGA module or withdraw from the scheme. Late application period starts.
October 2024 
Friday 4 October5pm: end of module switch period. Deadline to withdraw from GGA. Late application period ends.
Winter vacation Monday 9 December to Friday 27 December   
Semester 2 
February 2024 
Monday 3 FebruaryGGA classes resume
Spring vacation 14 April to 2 May 2025 
June 2024 
To be confirmedGGA Board of Examiners

Frequently asked questions

How much work is involved?

You are expected to attend classes regularly. You will have to set aside independent study time outside contact hours. You are also required to complete all assessments.

How many modules can I take per year?

You can only take one GGA module per year.

What happens if I fail a module?

If you are enrolled on a taught programme, you will be registered for your GGA module on SITS (the University’s student registration system). This ensures that your results are recorded in your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) at the end of the academic year. If you fail a GGA module, the mark will remain on your records. You may re-sit the components you have failed at the earliest possible opportunity if you meet the criteria (please see programme regulations).

My application is pending, what does that mean?

It means that either we have not had a chance to process all the applications for your class yet or that the class is full, and we are waiting for a place to become available for you. If you do not wish to wait for a place, or have changed your mind about applying, please cancel your application online.

What are my chances of getting a place on the module of my choice?

We offer a considerable number of classes throughout the week. However, it is not possible to guarantee every student a place in the module of their choice. We will inform you by email whether you have been successful in securing a place. You can only take one course per year. Please note it will not always be possible to secure a place on the course.

I applied several days ago. Why have I not heard from you?

Please be patient, we probably have not been able to process all the applications for this particular class yet.

I have been rejected. Is there any chance of a place on GGA?

If you have been rejected, please try to apply for another class. You may try to apply for the same class again once classes have started as some places may become available during the first couple of weeks of teaching. Please note that if you get accepted then, you will need to catch up and make sure you start attending classes straight away.

I don't have my timetable yet. Can I still apply?

We recommend you wait for your timetable before applying. If you have not received it before GGA applications close, please note there is usually reduced undergraduate teaching on Wednesdays from 12 noon but check with your School/Department whether any other activities (e.g. lab sessions) are planned.

I am no longer free for my class at the time I applied for. What should I do?

You will be registered for your GGA module on SITS (the University’s student registration system). If you wish to withdraw, you can do so within the advertised deadline (please see calendar). If you fail to withdraw by the deadline, and there are no extenuating circumstances, the GGA module will remain in your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) and a non-completion mark will be recorded. If you have a timetable clash in Semester 2, you will be transferred to another course where possible. Please note that transfers will not always be possible. If there is no possibility for transfer, you will be withdrawn from the course, and no record of the module will appear in your Higher Education Achievement Report.

How many hours of independent study should I set aside?

You should devote the same amount of time to the GGA module as to any other 15-credit module.

Programme regulations

Please read the programme regulations carefully before submitting your application.

  1. To be able to apply students:
    - Must be registered as an Undergraduate/Postgraduate taught student of the university, and be attending degree modules on campus (Guildford), or be registered as a Postgraduate research student based on campus (Guildford), for the duration of the GGA course 
    - Must be able to attend classes (taught in person - Guildford campus), both semesters, to the best of their knowledge
    - Must apply online
    Any student not meeting the above criteria (February starters, course suspended students or students on placement), but interested in GGA, may not apply online directly, but should contact to discuss their options
  2. Upon successful completion of the GGA module, UG and PGT students are awarded 15 co-curricular credits. The module and the mark achieved will be recorded in students’ Higher Education Achievement Reports (HEAR). Please note that we do not issue certificates of attendance
  3. PGR students receive a certificate upon successful completion of the module. To successfully complete their GGA module, they achieve an aggregate mark of 40%
  4. Students can only withdraw from/change their GGA module during the semester one module switch period, which is within the first two weeks of semester one. If they wish to withdraw, it is their responsibility to withdraw their application electronically by logging onto their GGA student record. If they fail to withdraw by the deadline, the module will stay on their HEAR
  5. Student attendance is required and may be recorded as soon as their place on the GGA module is confirmed
  6. Students with timetable clashes in Semester 2 must inform the GGA Administration (gga Please note that clashes with extra-curricular activities cannot be taken into consideration. Where possible, students with timetable clashes will be transferred to another class
  7. If students participating in the GGA programme have more than four consecutive hours of teaching scheduled in their timetable due to their GGA class, either in Semester 1 or Semester 2, they must inform the GGA Administration immediately by email. By not informing the administration as soon as timetables have been confirmed, students declare that they accept the timetable as scheduled, with more than four consecutive hours of teaching
  8. If there is a timetable clash in Semester 2, and there is no possibility for transfer, students will be withdrawn from the GGA module, and the module will be removed from SITS and HEAR
  9. If there is a recurring timetable clash with a degree module, and there is no possibility for transfer, students will be withdrawn from the GGA module, and the module will be removed from SITS and HEAR
  10. Students must observe the deadlines for coursework. Late submission will be penalised in accordance with the University regulations
  11. Students who are unable to attend a pre-scheduled assessment or submit their work on time due to extenuating circumstances (EC) must fill in a request for the recognition of EC in accordance with the University regulations. Students will only be able to retake/submit the missed assessment if EC have been granted
  12. Students who normally require adjustments for assessments should contact the GGA administration at least four weeks before the scheduled assessment, and provide evidence supported by the University’s Disability and Neurodiversity Service team
  13. Students who fail their GGA module can retake the components they have failed at the next available opportunity, provided they are still registered as students on the same degree programme at the time of the resit and have informed the programme administration of their intention to re-sit by the deadline advertised. Please note that resits are only offered to students for whom GGA is recorded on the HEAR
  14. Please note that all re-sits are capped at 40%.


This online prospectus has been prepared and published in advance of the academic year to which it applies. The University of Surrey has used its reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but changes (for example to course content or additional costs) may occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer.