How to guides

These guides will help you get started using the Library services and collections.

How to videos

Find and borrow a book
Get learning support

The Academic Skills and Development and Maths and Statistics Advice teams offer advice and guidance for taught students at Surrey, helping you to enhance and develop your academic, numeracy, personal and professional skills. 

Watch our video on how to access help with your studies, and find out about our appointments, drop-ins, and workshops.

Donโ€™t forget, you also have access to the My Learning Development at Surrey module on SurreyLearn which is full of useful guides, online resources and video tutorials that you can access 24 hours a day.

Book an appointment with the Academic Skills and Development team

Our Academic Skills and Development team offer advice on all aspects of your studies such as writing, referencing, researching and critical thinking skills.

Find out more about what guidance you can get.

Book an appointment with the Maths and Statistics Advice team

Our Maths and Statistics Advice team offer guidance on all aspects of mathematics and statistics such as data collection, tests, numeracy and software to name a few.

Find out more about what support you can get on our MySurrey webpages.

Find resources online

You can use our SurreySearch to find various resources, watch our videos below to find out more about what you can search for.

Print on campus

The University offers a SurreyPrint service, which allows you to send a print job to any of the hundreds of printers across the campus. 

Take a look at our videos and guides about printing on campus.

Get help using Library services

Watch our video about how to get help using Library services.

You can find us at the Library Welcome desk on Level 1 of the Library, call us on +44 (0)1483 689235, or email us on

Find and use my reading list
How do I download BSI Online pdfs?

Please see the instructions on how to download BSI Online Standards as pdfs on your own device.

Get in contact

Please contact us if you have any questions, or would like further guidance.

To provide feedback on our services you can use our online feedback form.

Watch our video about how to get help using Library services.

MySurrey Help is packed with answers to the most common questions.

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